Thursday, March 7, 2019


*Good Morning Brethren* These are the booksπŸ“š we have on our listπŸ“œ of books for today Thursday 7th March 2019. πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š *✅ BREAKING CHRISTIAN CURSES (Finding freedom from Destructive prayers) – Dennis Cramer* *✅ FASTING AND PRAYER (God's Nuclear Power) - Steven Brooks* *✅ FRESH POWER – Jim Cymbala* *✅ HOW TO CONQUER YOUR GOLIATHS – Bo Sanchez* *✅ KEYS TO HEAVEN ON EARTH – Myles Munroe* *✅ MINDSET (The New Psychology of Success) - Carol S. Dweck* *✅ THE GOD CATCHERS – Tommy Tenney* *✅ THE GRACE OF GOD - Andy Stanley* *✅ THE PURPOSE AND POWER OF AUTHORITY – Myles Munroe* *✅ WHEN GODLY PEOPLE DO UNGODLY THINGS – Beth Moore* πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š You may take your pick and readπŸ“–. If you have a book requestπŸ™‹; just post it here, we will try our best to help you get it. But it must be noted that we can only get books that are on *⏬Free Download⏬* because of *Copyright* issues. God bless you. Please let's endeavour to send this group link to all our Christian friends so that they too can be a partaker of this blessing. Give people *Data⏬* - They will use it to *_Browse_🌐*. Give people *Call CardπŸ“Ά* - They will use it to *_Make unnecessary calls_πŸ“ž*. But if you expose them to a *πŸ“šPLATFORMπŸ“š* like this - the knowledge they will acquire will stay with them for life and also prepare them for eternity. Let's not also forget that Sundays are our testimony days. Read books we post from Monday to Saturday, and then let us know how the books have blessed your life. God bless you now and for eternity. *I LOVE YOU* *OLUWASEGUN JOSEPH ADEBOLE* _Representing_ *WISEMAN JORDAAN*